Finding Solace in The Soil

Hello, hi, it’s me. I’m back writing again- tentatively. After a good run of one blog a month last year, I fell off the bandwagon in 2023. To be honest, the start of this year was a shit show. An absolute dumpster fire. I spent it jumping from hospital to hospital; appointments of which wereContinue reading “Finding Solace in The Soil”

The Best Books I Read in 2022

After a tumultuous year (to say the least), books served as a great escape from reality for me in 2022. I reached my goal of reading 45 books, ending the year with 47! (cue the celebration music)  Similar to my 2021 best books round-up, most novels I read this year fell into the genre ofContinue reading “The Best Books I Read in 2022”

Crazy Cat Lady

It’s been a hard few weeks. Trips to the hospital to visit a sick family member, combined with working full time and trying to upkeep a home has resulted in me all but neglecting the parts of my life that give me genuine, euphoric energy; trips abroad, visits to friends houses, nights spent dancing inContinue reading “Crazy Cat Lady”

A Love Letter to Autumn

I love Autumn. I love the change of seasons; the shock of cold air through my nose and the many minutes each day spent rifting through my coat rack trying to decide what jacket is warm, but not too warm, while also matching my outfit. I love putting on thick socks to protect my feetContinue reading “A Love Letter to Autumn”

Learning From a Swarm of Bees

A few weeks ago I hurried into my bedroom after hearing a loud humming sound, assuming that my heater had broken or a wire had exploded or something. What met me instead (and I’m not sure if it was better or worse than a potential faulty wire) was a GIANT swarm of bees hovering outsideContinue reading “Learning From a Swarm of Bees”

All My Friends are Leaving

A few months ago, one of my best friends in the entire world moved to Berlin. A decision not taken lightly, they left after the rental market and landlords and living standards in Dublin made it virtually impossible for them to stay. As a highly sensitive person who loves my friends more than life itself,Continue reading “All My Friends are Leaving”

Logging Off

I logged off a few weeks ago. Mentally and literally. And now, for the first time in a very long time, I’m feeling positive and hopeful. I’m feeling motivated and excited about the future. And best of all, I’m feeling silly and mischievous and giddy and fun again. Like I did during the happiest yearsContinue reading “Logging Off”

Letting Go of Guilt

Getting Rid of Internalised Guilt – Slowly I have a terrible sense of imposter syndrome. All the time. Not only in my job. In fact, my job is where I feel this the least, to be honest. I often feel like I’m not productive enough, not pretty enough, not ambitious enough, not successful enough… theContinue reading “Letting Go of Guilt”

Scrolling My Own Social Media

I liked it better when I was oblivious. Last night, I decided I would archive my entire Instagram history. I’ve had Instagram almost since it began, meaning there are photos up there that are 5, 6, 7 years old up there. My page is full of old pictures of exes and friends I don’t speakContinue reading “Scrolling My Own Social Media”

The Best Books of 2021

How are we here again? It’s my fave blog post of the year- a rundown of the best books I read in 2021 (in no order, obviously, as that would be near impossible). Like most people, 2021 was absolutely horrible for me. It was a year plagued by negativity and sickness and death and sadnessContinue reading “The Best Books of 2021”