Learning From a Swarm of Bees

A few weeks ago I hurried into my bedroom after hearing a loud humming sound, assuming that my heater had broken or a wire had exploded or something. What met me instead (and I’m not sure if it was better or worse than a potential faulty wire) was a GIANT swarm of bees hovering outsideContinue reading “Learning From a Swarm of Bees”

Let’s Talk About Periods

This week I read a new phrase that I had never heard before; Period Positivity. As someone who has a period every month (thanks, Mother Nature), I was instantly intrigued and decided to look it up. What started off as ten seconds of throwaway curiosity soon opened my eyes to the fact that I amContinue reading “Let’s Talk About Periods”

Things To Do In Quarantine (That Aren’t About Being Your Best Productive Self)

                         I’ve got a new social media rule in my life. Whenever I see a peppy influencer encouraging me to write a novel or learn a new skill/language/crafting technique during quarantine, they’re instantly unfollowed. Sometimes blocked. Reported if it’s a particularly bad day. IContinue reading “Things To Do In Quarantine (That Aren’t About Being Your Best Productive Self)”

Staying Sane While The World Is On Fire

                            I like to think of myself as a pretty calm and collected person. I’m the kind of person who can hear a terrible story or read an awful news article and empathise, but not dwell. I do yoga and I practiseContinue reading “Staying Sane While The World Is On Fire”

Thoughts on Loneliness

                             This week, I started a book named The Opposite of Loneliness, by Marina Keegan, a former Yale student whose prose and essays were organised together in a book following her tragic death just after graduation. In one of these essays, whichContinue reading “Thoughts on Loneliness”

It’s Like We Have So Much, But it Feels Like So Little

                                                                                         Source: irishpost.com I feel as though no one ever prepared us forContinue reading “It’s Like We Have So Much, But it Feels Like So Little”