Covid Reflections- One Year On

As I was scrolling through my Instagram archive yesterday, a memory popped up that made me wince. Dated the 14th March 2020, the photograph showed a picture of myself and my partner smiling happily and captioned “Stuck inside for two whole weeks together. Help.” Pretty ironic now, considering. I remember that day so well. TheContinue reading “Covid Reflections- One Year On”

I’m Slowing Down

I’m not saying that this pandemic is nice, or relaxing, or beneficial. There’s nothing enjoyable about the feeling of danger in the air, or the anxiety of death hanging ominously inside every shop and enclosed space. In saying that, however, there has been something… refreshing about this time that I’ve been taking advantage of, andContinue reading “I’m Slowing Down”

Things To Do In Quarantine (That Aren’t About Being Your Best Productive Self)

                         I’ve got a new social media rule in my life. Whenever I see a peppy influencer encouraging me to write a novel or learn a new skill/language/crafting technique during quarantine, they’re instantly unfollowed. Sometimes blocked. Reported if it’s a particularly bad day. IContinue reading “Things To Do In Quarantine (That Aren’t About Being Your Best Productive Self)”